
Frequently Asked Questions

Questions About the
National Tasting Project

What is the National Tasting Project?


The National Tasting Project is a collaborative tasting by American Wine Society members from multiple chapters to learn about and taste the same wines and compare their scores using the American Wine Society Wine Evaluation format.

Do I need to buy the wines from my suggested retailer?


Many wines are readily available locally. However, we monitor the wine availability, vintage, and vineyard specifics and will report any changes. The wines found locally may or may not be the exact same. You should still judge and report the scores. But in the reporting program, mark that the wines were a different vintage, vineyard or other differences.

When does NTP Start and Finish?


Ordering begins near the end of January until the end of March. The NTP website, with updated material, will open by end of January. Wine judging can start once the wines are received. The last score submission is September 30.

When does Wine Ordering Start and Finish?


NTP wine ordering starts near the end January. Wines may available all year but ordering sooner rather than later is advised.
NOTE: This is a new process with restricted ordering dates to obtain the best pricing and avoid potential supply chain issues. Exceptions can be made, but in fairness to the retailer and their inventory, we’re aiming for the middle of March.

Do we serve food with the wines? Or should the wines be judged first, then enjoyed with food?


The wines should be judged without food. Judging what is in your glass without interference. We suggest either eating before or after the judging (or both)

Should we be concerned about wine temperature, glassware, and bottle opening times?


Yes, white wine should be 50-55. Red wines are generally about 55-65. The goal of glassware is to enhance the wine. Some glass producers have special talents for each grape. If some members have those glasses, it can only help identify aromas. However, the best solution is for all members having the same glass.

How much is shipping?


Starting in 2025, shipping is free!

Can I get the wines locally instead of from my suggested retailer?


You can buy locally. Please check the vintages and vineyard names to ensure they are the same.

How many people per bottle?


It depends on how much they drink! ????

The 750ml can be evaluated with as little as one ounce per person
which would serve about 25 people.
1.25oz per person.would serve about 20 people.
1.5oz per person would serve about 17 people.
2oz per person would serve about 12 people.

How many people can participate?


There is no minimum or maximum limit on participation. We have heard of one chapter that conducts the NTP with 70+ people. The whole chapter does not need to participate. A few chapter members can hold an event. If you have too many people for a roll-call type of score collection, you can enter the scores later.

Should I keep a paper backup of the scores?


This is always a good idea in any computer-input scheme, even in the past with spreadsheets, just in case something goes wrong.

Can I post the score results after our event?


Yes, an NTP Organizer can post results after your event. In the NTP website menu labeled Organizer, please read Submitting and Retrieving Scores.

Do I need special glassware?


You can use whatever wine glasses you have. For consistency, use the same glasses for each of the wines.

Why would I want to hold an NTP?


The NTP is a great way to learn a new wine theme along with other American Wine Society members from other chapters and to compare scores on the wines.

Do I need to use the entire presentation?


NTP Organizers have access to a presentation. You can skip a slide, add slides and fully invent your own or pass out simple fact sheets. The object is for people to have fun and learn about new wines.

Blind Tasting- I’ve never set up a blind tasting. Any tips?


The wine buyer, usually the chapter chair, purchases the wines and should be the only person knowing the wines. Before the event, put the wines in brown bags, and write a sequential number on each bag. On the event night, pour wine #1 into each participant’s glass. If you have more glasses, pour the other wines also. Please remember to pour the whites chilled.

Can I do NTP over several sessions, possibly even with different tasters?


Yes! Some chapters elect to taste all wines in 2 separate events. Can be the same or different tasters.

Should we let the wines breathe?


If the wine is not breathing, give mouth-to-bottle resuscitation. ????

Just pulling the cork is not “breathing” a wine. The surface area is too small to provide any benefit. Young white wines generally do not need air. Ready to pour and taste.
Red wines, depending on the grape and age, can benefit from some breathing time. You could pour it into a decanter (or any open vessel) for about 30-60 minutes before the event and pour it back into the original bottle.

Where is the list of NTP Wines?


Wines are available to registered NTP Organizers.

How many wines do I need?


You can conduct the NTP with just a few of the wines or more, up to all of them.

What if we have no judges in our group?


You can still judge wines and submit scores.

Can I just write scores on paper and send them in?


No, we don’t have the resources to handle submissions like this. Use the online scoring system in the Organizers’ menu.

How do I contact the retailer?


Gianluca at MyWineEmpire:

(508) 881-3800

If you have other questions, Email NTP@AmericanWineSociety.Org