Scoring Introduction

Submitting scores during the presentation allows members to observe their scores compared with other members and hopefully wine judges. Also during the presentation the chapter’s high and low scores are calculated along with the averages and medal awards.

Submitting scores after the presentation and observing the chapter high and low scores and averages at a later date is also possible.

You’re welcome to participate in NTP without submitting scores.

Please review the videos below before entering scores.

Introduction to entering scores(video)

How to enter scores during your NTP event and view results (video)

How to enter scores after your NTP event and view results (video)

Click here to enter scores.

Click here to view score results*
(Please read special notes about averages and medals)

To test the scoring app before your event, simply use a fake email address. For example, instead of use
These fake results will be removed within 24 hours.

What if our chapter meets twice? How do I enter scores?
Follow the same process. Your new scores will be included in the database and the results will display all chapter wines.

What if I make an error entering the data?
Email with an explanation of the error. It is probably fixable.

What if I’m entering scores for more than 1 chapter?
Enter your same email and be sure the chapter names are different.

What if I have more than 20 scores?
Enter your first 20 scores and click Submit. Your Email address, Non-Judge/Judge selection and Wine selections are “sticky”.  That is, once selected they will remain until changed. Then enter the next 20 scores and click Submit. Repeat until finished.

*Results may be delayed due to internet traffic. Please wait.


Please omit scores for any faulted wines.

Remember scores must be 10 or greater and 20 or less. A wine score less than 10 must have an identifiable fault and as such, should be omitted.

Retaining the Wine Evaluations sheets (hard copy), as backup is recommended.


Special Note about NTP Medal Calculations
  The NTP medal calculation changed to a different statistical method. Instead of averages, which are affected by outlier scores, NTP now uses  Frequency. The Frequency statistical method gathers scores in the 4 medal ranges- Gold, Silver, Bronze and NoMedal.

The range containing the most scores receives the medal. For example, a wine receiving 2 scores in the Gold range, 4 in the Silver range, 2 in the Bronze range and 1 NoMedal score, receives a Silver medal. Occasionally, especially with only a few scores, there is a tie. This is now shown as the 2 medals. For example, Gold/Slv or Silver/Br or Bronze/NoMdl.

Special Note about NTP averages
  The NTP average calculation is also based on the medal awarded. In the above example, assume the scores are 17, 17, 15, 16, 16, 15, 13, 14, and 11. The calculated average is based on the medal awarded. Since there are 4 scores in the Silver range, its awarded Silver. The average is the 4 scores in the Silver range- 15, 16, 16 and 15 which is 15.5.

Special Note about wine descriptors
  This year the wine judge selection group gathered descriptors for each of the wines. You can compare your descriptors with the judges’ descriptors for more knowledge.  WineDescriptor Link