The presentation includes slides for all NTP wines. Simply select your chapter wines.
An Organizer could use another person, designated as a Score Recorder, to assist the presenter with recording the scores during a presentation.
NTP2024 Presentation will be ready by March 15th if not sooner.
NOTE: Downloading NTP Presentation or Notes is NOT necessary as it will load into a Chrome Browser, as is.
Provide explanation video??
Presentation (Using a score recorder)
Open Presentation(Available by Match 15 or sooner) on your computer.
Click “Slideshow” in the upper right.
To advance the slide presentation, click down arrow.
Also, review the accompanying Notes(Available by Match 15 or sooner) to enhance your presentation.
During the presentation, slides appear with the title “Judge Wine #”.
Pause the presentation, judge the wine and capture wine scores on the American Wine Society Wine Evaluation Chart.
Score Recorder:
Another person can record scores during the presentation on their computer or phone
Presentation (Without a score recorder)
Presenter only:
Essentially the same as above. However, your browser will have another tab open with the scoring spreadsheet.
Open Presentation(Available by Match 15 or sooner) on your computer.
Click “Slideshow” in the upper right.
To advance the slide presentation, click down arrow.
Also, review the accompanying Notes(Available by Match 15 or sooner)to enhance your presentation.
During the presentation, slides appear with the title “Judge Wine #”.
Pause the presentation, judge the wine and capture wine scores on the American Wine Society Wine Evaluation Chart.
You can also record scores during the presentation. See Submitting Scores
Presentation (Submitting scores after your event)
Open Presentation(Available by Match 15 or sooner) on your computer.
Click “Slideshow” in the upper right.
To advance the slide presentation, click down arrow.
Also, review the accompanying Notes(Available by Match 15 or sooner) to enhance your presentation.
During the presentation, slides appear with the title “Judge Wine #”.
Pause the presentation, judge the wine and write wine scores on the American Wine Society Evaluation Chart.
Collect the American Wine Society Wine Evaluation Charts.
See Submitting Scores to submit scores after event.